Curriculum Vitae - Åsa Petersén
Full Name : Åsa Petersén
Date of Birth: October 25th, 1974
Nationality: Swedish
Address: Translational Neuroendocrinology (TNU), BMC D11, 221 84 Lund
Phone: +46 46 222 16 86
E-mail address:
Professional appointments
Professor in Medical Research with specialization in Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, LU, combined position (s k förenad anställning) as Senior Consultant in Psychiatry (överläkare i psykiatri; 30% clinical work), the Division of Psychiatry, Region Skane.
Professor in Neuroscience at the Medical Faculty of Lund University
Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience at the Medical Faculty of Lund University
License to practice medicine in Sweden.
Readership (docent), Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Lund, Sweden
Discipline: Neuroscience
Associate Professor of Neuroscience
MD, Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Lund, Sweden
PhD, Lund University, Faculty of Medicine, Sweden
Discipline: Neuroscience
Title: Effects of dopamine and excitotoxicity in experimental models of Huntington’s disease”
Supervisor: Professor Patrik Brundin
Professor in Medical Research with specialization in Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, LU, combined position (s k förenad anställning) as Senior Consultant in Psychiatry (överläkare i psykiatri; 30% clinical work), the Division of Psychiatry, Region Skane.
Professor in Neuroscience at the Medical Faculty of Lund University
Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience at the Medical Faculty of Lund University
Resident in psychiatry, Lund, Sweden (50% leave for research)
Distinctions and Awards
2018 Fernström Foundation award for most promising young scientist at Lund University.
Link to the Fernström Foundation webpage.
2009 Maria and Alan Myers Fellow, Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne
2009 Senior Investigator Award, Swedish Research Council
2007 Junior Researcher Award, Swedish Research Council
2004 Swedish Brain Foundation Fellow
2000 Anders Walls Foundation’s Award in science
Commission of Trust
- Associate Editor of Journal of Huntington’s Disease (2019-)
- Head of the Huntington Disease Center, Excellence Center at LU och Region Skåne (since 2017: - opens in a new tab)
- Member of the Board for the Department of Experimental Medical Sciences, Lund University (2018-ongoing)
- Thesis examiner of 13 PhD theses in Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Switzerland and Australia (since 2007)
- Member of the grant committee for “Yngre/ST” ALF, Region Skåne (2018-)
- Member of the grant committee for the Swedish Society of Medicine (2019-)
- Member of the grant committee for Segerfalk foundation (2012-ongoing)
- Editorial Board member of Journal of Huntington’s Disease (2012-2019)
- Deputy member in the Swedish Alzheimer Foundation (2011)
- Member of the Scientific and Bioethics Advisory Committee (SBAC) of the EHDN (2010-2014)
In organizing committees for the following scientific meetings
- The Nordic Huntington Disease Research Meeting, Lund, 2018-2019
- International Segerfalk Symposium on Metabolism and Sleep in HD and ALS, Lund 2015
- PENS summer school on Metabolic aspects of chronic brain diseases, Reisensburg, Germany, 2009 and 2011
- Neuroscience Day, Lund University, 2008-present
- International Minisymposium on Emotional regulation-perspectives from neuroscience and psychotherapy research, Lund 2009
- EHDN (European HD Network) workshop on metabolism in HD, Ulm, Germany, 2008
- Gordon Conference on CAG triplet repeat disorders, Aussois, France, 2007
- EHDN workshop on Neuroendocrine changes in HD, Leiden 2007
- NECTAR annual meeting, Lund, 2007
- EHDN workshops for young scientists, Paris, 2005-2008
- EHDN Biomarkers meeting, Lund 2006
Scientific Talks (2004-present)
- The Swedish Psychiatry Congress, Stockholm, 2019
- The Swedish Neurology Conference, Malmö, 2019
- The International Congress of Neuroendocrinology, Toronto, Canada, 2018
- The Swedish Psychiatry Congress, Stockholm, 2018
- The International HD conference, Vilnius, 2017
- ECNP minisymposium, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm on Altering the disease course in neuropsychiatric disorders, 2016
- Ulm University, Ulm, Germany, 2016
- The European HD Association Meeting, Warsaw, 2015
- Gordon Conference on CAG triplet repeat disorders, New Hampshire, USA, 2013
- Network of European CNS Transplantation and Restoration (NECTAR) annual meeting, Lund, Sweden, 2012
- CMMT, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada, 2011
- FENS-IBRO European Neuroscience School on Translational Research in Basal Ganglia Disorders, Spain, 2010
- The Hereditary Disease Foundation Meeting, Boston, 2010
- The International Basal Ganglia Society (IBAGS) Tenth Triennial Meeting, New Jersey, 2010
- Howard Florey Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2010
- The Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Sydney, Australia, USA, 2010
- The Australian Neuroscience Society Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 2010
- The National Huntington Disease meeting, Gothenburg, 2010
- Symposium on Metabolic aspects of chronic brain disorders, Ulm University, Germany, 2009
- The National Huntington Disease meeting, Lund, 2009
- CMMT and University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada, 2008
- The National Huntington’s Disease meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2008
- The European Huntington’s Disease Network (EHDN) Biomarkers meeting, Paris, France, 2007
- The World Congress of Huntington’s disease, Dresden, Germany, 2007
- CMMT and UBC, Vancouver, Canada, 2007
- Ljubliana University, Slovenia, 2007
- The Sjöbring day, Lund, 2007
- The EHDN Annual meeting, Blankenberge, Belgium, 2006
- The EHDN Meeting on Biomarkers, Lund, Sweden, 2006
- The Second Workshop on Clinical Biochemistry, Porto, Portugal, 2006
- The Swe/DanModis Conference, Malmö, Sweden, 2006
- The EHDN Meeting on Biomarkers, London, UK, 2005
- The German-Scandinavian Meeting on Movement Disorders, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2005
- The 2nd meeting on Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration, Milan, Italy, 2005
- The Orexin/Hypocretin Symposium, Cologne, Germany, 2005
- The EHDN Annual meeting, Manchester, UK, 2005
- The World Congress of Huntington’s disease, Manchester, UK, 2005
- The EHDN Network Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2004
- The 3rd Weimar Conference on Genetics, Weimar, Germany, 2004
- The EHDN UK Meeting, Stanstead, UK, 2004
- The “Huntington's Disease Research Conference”, Boston, USA, 2004
- The PhD course in “CNS regeneration”, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004
- The MRC Toxicology Unit, Leichester, UK, 2004
- The Royal Free Hospital, London, UK, 2004
Supervision of PhD students
Main supervisor of completed PhD thesis work
- Sofia Hult Lundh. PhD defense date 140528. Title of PhD thesis: Psychiatric and metabolic disturbances in experimental models of Huntington disease
- Sanaz Gabery. PhD defense date 150513. Title of PhD thesis: New perspectives on pathology in Huntington’s disease- characterization of hypothalamic changes.
- Rana Soylu Kucharz. PhD defense date 160128. Title of PhD thesis: Hypothalamic and metabolic dysfunction in genetic models of Huntington’ s disease.
Co-supervisor of completed PhD theses work
- Joana Gil (2002-2006; main supervisors Prof. Patrik Brundin and A/Prof. Christina Rego, Coimbra, Portugal). Title of thesis: Mechanisms of neurodegeneration in transgenic models of Huntington’s disease.
- Niclas Hagen (PhD defense date 131004; main supervisor Prof. Susanne Lundin). Title of research project: Modern Genes - An ethnographic
Fernström Foundation
Link to the Fernström Foundation webpage
Huntington Center
Visit the Huntington Center webpage